Massachusetts receives 14 Awards at Congress 2014
Massachusetts receive 14 Awards at Congress 2014 The following awards were presented to state societies, chapters and individuals for various categories as listed in the SAR Handbook. Recognition Night: Awards to state societies, chapters and individuals EVENING AWARDS CEREMONY C.A.R.…
Founders Day: November 28, 1782
November 10, 1775: Birth of the U.S. Marine Corps
During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress passes a resolution stating that "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing forces for the recently formed Continental Navy. The resolution, drafted by future U.S. president John Adams and adopted in Philadelphia, created the Continental Marines and is now observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.
Serving on land and at sea, the original U.S. Marines distinguished themselves in a number of important operations during the Revolutionary War. The first Marine landing on a hostile shore occurred when a
Greenville Welcomes the SAR to South Carolina’s Upstate
National Archives Hosts Virtual Genealogy Fair October 28-30
Historic Documents on Display in Williamstown
National Youth Oration Contest: "Preserve the Power of Free Speech"
The Beautifully Illustrated Family Records of Revolutionary War Soldiers
Families of Revolutionary War veterans applying for government pensions had to prove their relationship to the soldier in question. Many of them included illustrated family records in their petitions for payment, which are now kept at the National Archives. (Here are a few pages with more examples of this kind of record.)
The range of types of family records shows the diversity of visual traditions in the young United States. The first image below is hand-illustrated and lettered in German. It’s part of the tradition of fraktur, a Pennsylvania German