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The Arthur M. And Berdena King Eagle Scout Program

Scouts prior to their 19th birthday

The society invites all Eagle Scouts interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest. The contest is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their nineteenth birthday during the clandar year of the contest occurs. Applicants submit a two-page application form, a four-generation ancestry chart, and a 500-word essay on a patriotic theme. Awards may be taken as either a cash award, or as a scholarship to an educational institution.

The competition is conducted in three phases: the local Chapter level, State Society level, and National level. Winners at the chapter level are entered in the state competition. The winner of the state competition proceeds to the national contest. (The same application suffices for all three levels.) A complete set of rules, along with the application for applicant and the sponsoring members of the SAR, can be found at the link below. Please be aware that the application deadlines may vary locally, so please reach out to Massachusetts State Medals and Awards Chairman for further details.

Entry Deadline: Certificates: Available all year; Yearly State Contest: January 15th.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $1000, $500, $250; National Society up to $10,000 (multiple awards)
Contact: State Eagle Scout Chairman
More information:  National Website

SAR Eagle Scout Certificates

The Massachusetts Society is glad to provide a free commemorative certificates to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of new Eagle Scouts in Massachusetts. To receive a commemoration for a new Eagle Scout with information on our scholarship, complete the following form so they may be mailed to the Scoutmaster or parent without charge. Please make your request at least four weeks before the event to allow for processing.

"*" indicates required fields

(full name as it is to appear)

On the Awards Ceremony:

Select date YYYY dash MM dash DD

Scoutmaster/parent to be mailed the certificate:

Requestor's Name*

twelve + 5 =
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Massachusetts Society, Post Office Box 890235, Weymouth, MA 02189-0004, (508) 229-1776
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