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Join Our Yorktown 2014 Celelebration October 18th


Cordially Invites Its Members & Their Guests to Attend


Saturday, October 18, 2014
Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth Massachusetts

The Consul General of the French Consulate in Boston
The Honorable Fabian Fieschi and his Lady and and
Guest Direct descendant of the French Heroes of Yorktown

The 233rd anniversary of America’s decisive Revolutionary War victory at Yorktown will be marked with a variety of engaging programs and tours on Saturday October 18th — Yorktown Day — in historic Plimoth Plantation, 137 Warren Avenue, in Plymouth from 9:00am to 2:30pm.

Yorktown Day marks the anniversary of the American-French victory in 1781. In 1781, following a nine-day bombardment, British forces in Yorktown under General Charles Cornwallis requested a cease-fire and then surrendered more than 8,000 soldiers and sailors to the combined American and French armies commanded by General George Washington. This was the last major military action of the American Revolution, effectively securing independence for the American colonies following a six-and-a-half-year military struggle.

  • 9:00-10:30 A.M. — Color Guard Muster and Grave Marking Ceremony
  • 10:30-11:30 A.M. — Meetings of Members and Ladies Auxiliary
  • 11:30-12:00 P.M. — Cocktail Reception (Cash Bar, New England Cheese Display)
  • 12:00-2:30 P.M. — Banquet, Speaker, Awards Ceremony, Inductions

The 233rd anniversary of America’s decisive Revolutionary War victory at Yorktown will be marked with a variety of engaging programs and tours on Saturday October 18th — Yorktown Day — in historic Plimoth Plantation, 137 Warren Avenue, in Plymouth from 9:00am to 2:30pm.

Yorktown Day marks the anniversary of the American-French victory in 1781. In 1781, following a nine-day bombardment, British forces in Yorktown under General Charles Cornwallis requested a cease-fire and then surrendered more than 8,000 soldiers and sailors to the combined American and French armies commanded by General George Washington. This was the last major military action of the American Revolution, effectively securing independence for the American colonies following a six-and-a-half-year military struggle.

Our speaker for the event, Mr. Steven Connolly, will discuss the early life and times of an old Revolutionary War soldier, named Deborah Samson, who enlisted into the 4th Massachusetts Regiment in May of 1782, under the alias of Robert Shurtlieff. This person served a 17 month tour of duty, with Washington’s Continental army in the Elite Light Infantry division, and was honorably discharged October 23rd 1783 at Wars end, after the Treaty of Paris was signed in September of that year.

We will see how the history of her family in America and her powerful predecessors Governor William Bradford, Capty Myles Standish and Hon John Alden influenced her character. The story beings with the arrival of a ship called the Mayflower and the loss of 102 colonists the first year in New Plymouth. It was the time when King James ruled much of the known world.

This is the story of how her Masquerade in the Army worked, with honor, fidelity and courage, and how this woman’s libber broke the bounds of imposed limitations of her gender, while disguised as a man.

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