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The society sponsors contests for youths annually to engage students and educators in the American Revolutionary period. The contests encourage civic responsibility and creative teaching practices in the classroom, and brings a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding the war for American independence. Many of the contests begin in the chapters and progress to the state society and ultimately to the annual national competition at the National Congress each summer.

Please see the sections below to learn more about our contests and their awards. Download the brochure on our youth programs from our National Society. Help on guidelines and deadlines of the contests is available from our State Awards and Medals Chairman. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Americanism Poster Contest

(Grades 3-5)

The society invites all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest. The contest is open to public school, parochial, home schooled students, Scouts, and Children of the American Revolution within these grades. Young artists with an enthusiasm toward art, a love of American history, or a passion in creative expression should submit their posters to their local chapter of the society to begin the competition. Winners, in turn, will progress to the state contest and, in turn, to the national contest in June at the National Congress. All entries are judged on an equal basis regardless of point of origin.

Participants from other organizations must be of equivalent age for the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades in the year American History is taught in their school. (If American History is taught in lower grades in a school, an entry may be accepted for the competition at the discretion of the SAR Americanism Committee.) The complete set of rules, along with the application for both the applicant and the sponsoring SAR members, is available here. Deadline for submissions vary locally, so reach out to your local chapter for the details.

Entry Deadline: About March 1st.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $250, $150, $100; National Society monetary award
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information: National Website

The Sgt. Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest

Grades 6-9

The society invites all middle-school students interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Brochure Contest. The contest is open to public school, parochial, home schooled students, Scouts, and Children of the American Revolution in grades 6-9. Applicants should submit to their local chapter first. Winners, in turn, will progress to the state content and, in turn, to the national level in June at the National Congress. A brochure for the Brochure Contest is available here.

In the contest, students create a tri-fold brochure out of an 8.5x11″ piece of paper on any one of the five foundational documents of the United States — the Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. The brochures are judged on their content, creativity and correctness. Highest value is placed on material personally-drawn art work and text authored by the student above material cut-and-paste from books, magazines and the Internet. One may use software tools for creating the brochure and art work.

Entry Deadline: About March 1st.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $500, $300, $150; National Society monetary award
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information: National Website

The George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest

Grades 9-12

The Massachusetts Society invites all high school students interested in the American Revolution to participate in the George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest. The contest is open to all United States Citizen and Legal Residents attending home schools, public, parochial, or private high schools in the range of grades.

To participate, students must submit an original 800- to 1,200-word essay based on an event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. Each student’s essay will be judged based upon its historical accuracy, clarity, organization, grammar and spelling, and documentation.

The contest is conducted in three phases: in the local chapter, in the state society, and at the national society. Contestants must enter through an SAR chapter near their residence. (In some states, the contest may be entered at the state level directly if the local society has no chapters or their chapters are not participating.)

A complete set of rules, along with the application for both the applicant and the sponsoring member of the society, can be found here. Please be aware that the local application deadline dates vary & mdash; please contact the Massachusetts Society's State Awards and Medals Chairman for assistance.

Entry Deadline: About December 31st.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $1000, $500, $250; National Society monetary awards
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information: National Website

The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest

Grades 9-12

The Rumbaugh Oration Contest is open to all public, private, parochial, and home-school high school students. Students must write an original oration of not less than five minutes or more than six minutes. (The student must present their oration to an audience without the use of notes or props.) The oration’s subject shall be an event, a personality, or a document pertaining to the Revolutionary War with an emphasis on our nation’s 250th anniversary. Judging will be based on composition, delivery, significance, historical accuracy, and relevance to our 250th anniversary. Preliminary rounds begin at the Chapter level with winning entries advancing to the State Society and National levels where SAR awards scholarships and cash prizes. More information on the contest is available here.

As recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the contest is designed to perpetuate the stories of patriotism, courage, tragedy and triumph of the men and women who achieved the independence of the American people. These stories are universal ones of man’s eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each generation as it is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions.

Entry Deadline: About December 31st.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $1000, $500, $250; National Society monetary awards
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information: National Website

Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award

Educators for Grades 5-12

The American History Teacher Award recognizes educators who distinguish themselves in teaching the history of the American Revolution. Award winners receive a professional educational opportunity at a national seminar and bring back to their classroom and students a heightened level of creativity and enthusiasm for the American Revolutionary era. Teacher candidates interested in entering the local SAR Chapter contest must complete the required application and submit a written essay of not less than 1000 words discussing the importance of teaching the American Revolutionary era. The essay may also describe any extraordinary teaching techniques or innovative projects utilized by the teacher to teach the American Revolution

The award is open to all teachers at the elementary, middle high school, or home school at a recognized public, private, or parochial institution. A teacher who teaches at a home school is not eligible. A teacher who is selected as a winner at the chapter level will compete for the state contest and the winner of the state contest will be a finalist for the national award. The award consists of three separate contests designed to select a teacher at the elementary school, middle school and high school level. The national winner at each level will be entitled to attend one of the following graduate summer seminars:

  • Freedoms Foundations at Valley Forge, PA
  • Colonial Williamsburg at Williamsburg, VA
  • Jefferson Symposium at the University of VA
  • SAR Annual Conference on the American Revolution (Location varies)
Entry Deadline: About March 1st.
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information:National Website

The Children Of The American Revolution Award

CAR Members, Age 6-21

The Children of the American Revolution (CAR) is a national organization of persons who are lineal descendants of a patriot of the American Revolution. The CAR is an independent body, supported through the leadership and finance of the national societies of the SAR, DAR, and Sons of the Revolution (SR). Members of the SAR may hold office in the CAR as a “Senior Leader” locally, in the state, or at the national level.

Awards are given to those of the CAR who have performed outstanding service to further the knowledge and learnings of the American Revolution. Massachusetts' chapters and the state society recognize such service by awarding medals such as the SAR or CAR Medals of Appreciation. The state society itself may receive for the National Society's CAR Activity Award for its work.

Entry Deadline: About March 1st.
Awards: Massachusetts Society: $1000 support, $1500 scholarship; National Society monetary award
Contact: Youth Awards Chairman
More information: National Website

Youth Exchange Program

Ages 12-20

The SAR Youth Exchange Program exchange, for young ladies and gentlemen between the ages of twelve and twenty years old, is an opportunity for young people from both countries to experience a different culture, develop new relationships, and share our mutual heritage of freedom.

Participant are paired by common interests and age on a reciprocal basis. Youth from the United States typically participate during the summer vacation in June and July. In France, the exchange could occur from the end of June to the beginning of September when French schools are on vacation. It is recommended that the duration of the visit to both countries be approximately two to three weeks. Responsibility for travel and all liability of the exchanges, lies solely with the candidates and their families.

A Facebook group page has been inaugurated so that eligible youths can become acquainted, share experiences, and establish friendships. This group’s membership is open to eligible participants, their parents and grandparents, and members of the SAR Youth Exchange Committee. Those interested in participating should download, complete, and submit the program application form.

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