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Privateers of the Revolution

By Charles R. Lampson The word privateer evokes different meanings for different people. Perhaps the definitions of both privateer and pirate will point out the subtle differences between the two. Privateer: A person who sails under a nation's or state's…

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Memorial Day Ceremony Proclamation

National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution May 30,2011 Today marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the official birthday of Memorial Day, as signed into law in May 1966 by President Lyndon B. Johnson at Waterloo, New York. This…

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Black Patriots of the American Revolution

A Memorial Day Remembrance Wallbuilders, February 2004by David Barton Americans have lost much of their knowledge of basic historical facts, particularly those relating to the American Revolution. In fact, a recent survey of high-performing college seniors found that more thought…

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2011 National Congress

The 121st Congress will be held in the "Twin City" of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, July 8-13. Come join us as we celebrate the Centennial Celebration of the North Carolina Society which was established on 22 February 1911. The North Carolina…

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