Chaplains and the Revolutionary War By Chaplain General Reverand David J. Felts SAR Magazine Summer…
Actual Sons of the American Revolution
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The Massachusetts Society has the distinction of having had a significant number of past members who were true sons of American Revolution — their fathers actually served in the Revolutionary war. In 1904 the Society published a list of these men with a tribute to their Revolutionary ancestors to supplement the publication of Soldiers, Sailors, and Patriots (available online here). The following transcription of the supplement appear below as transcribed by Coralynn Brown. |
Private, Capt. Phineas Stearn’s Company; served at the fortifying of Dorchester Heights, March, 1776; also on guard-duty at the powder-house, Watertown, Oct., 1777-April, 1778, and July, 1778-July, 1779.
George Arthur Tainter.
Sergeant, Capt. Samuel Epes’ Company of minute-men, which fought the British troops on their retreat from Concord and Lexington, April 19, 1775; also Lieutenant, Eight Company, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment of militia, April 2, 1776.
Nathan M. Hawkes.
Second Lieutenant in Capt. Joseph Whipple’s Company for seacost defence at Gloucester and Manchester.
Albert Dodge, Junior.
Private in a Company of minute-men before the battle of Lexington and Concord; enlisted for eight months in Capt. Rowe’s Company, Col. Birdge’s Regiment of militia, and served as coast guard at night until April 30, 1775; May 1, marched to Mystic; remained encamped there until June 16, when the Company marched to Breed’s Hill; helped build the fort and was in the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; re-enlisted Jan. 10, 1776, for one year as Corporal in Capt. Swasey’s Company, Col. Glover’s Regiment; stationed at Beverly until after the British evacuated Boston; then marched to New York; had skirmishes with the British at King’s Bridge, and was in the battle of White Plains; he again enlisted as Prize Master’s Mate on board the “Gloucester Packet” of fourteen guns, and served Jan.-June, 1782; pensioned.
Albert Dodge, Junior.
Private, Capt. Davis’ Company, Col. E. Wigglesworth’s Regiment (Thirteenth Continental); enlisted, Feb., 1777, for three years; was in battles preceding the surrender of Burgoyne, Oct., 1777; also Monmouth, June 28, 1778, and in Rhode Island, same year.
Frederic Ruthven Bogardus.
Seaman; having previously served three months on the “Rolla,” he shipped on the “Alliance,” Capt. Landers, Oct., 1778, bound for the English Channel, the Mediterranean, and France; took many prizes and exchanged their prisoners for Americans confined in Mill Prison, and brought them to Boston.
Frederic Ruthven Bogardus.
Private, Capt. Samuel Sprague’s Company of minute-men; one of the seventeen from his company who kept guard at Pullin Point, April 19-May 16, 1775.
Horace Stuart Cummings.
Captain in Col. John Fellows’ Massachusetts Regiment; May-Dec., 1775; marched from Williamsburg with a detachment of minute-men at the Lexington alarm; stationed at Roxbury during the siege of Boston.
James Turner Ball.
Private, Capt. Oliver Capron’s Company, Col. Doolittle’s Mass. Regiment; served at the siege of Boston, June-Nov., 1775; at the battle of Bunker Hill.
James Franklin Thayer.
Private, Capt. Hayden’s Company of minute-men, Col. Bailey’s Regiment, which marched at the Lexington alarm; re-enlisted June 8, 1776, in Capt. Prentiss’ Company, Col. Marshall’s Regiment, raised for the defence of Boston; also Capt. Packard’s Company, Col. Carpenter’s Regiment; service at Rhode Island, 1778; Sergeant, same Company, Major Cary’s Regiment, which marched to Tiverton, Rhode Island, on an alarm, July 30-Aug. 9, 1780; enlisted in Col. John Bailey’s Regiment, Jan. 25, 1782, to re-enforce the Continental Army.
William Otis Cutter.
Private in the Major’s Company, Col. Putnam’s Regiment, Continental Army; mustered April 24, 1780.
Leon H. Thompson.
Quartermaster, Third Regiment, Hampshire County militia, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Robinson, which marched to Ticonderoga to re-enforce the garrison; served Oct.-Nov., 1776; also Captin, Col. Willett’s Regiment, which served on the Mohwak River expedition, Aug.-Nov., 1781.
J. Brainerd Thrall.
Lieutenant, Capt. Bridge’s Company, Col. Whitcomb’s Regiment, which marched to Cambridge at the Lexington alarm, and served fifteen days; also Ensign, Capt. Stearns’ Company, Col. Doolittle’s Regiment, at the siege of Boston; Second Lieutenant at Winter Hill; also Captain, Second Company, Eighth Regiment militia, March, 1776; also Captain, Col. Bridge’s Regiment at Saratoga, Sept., 1777; at Rhode Island, July-Sept., 1778.
Oscar F. Burbank.
Private, New Hampshire Regiment, Continental Army at West Point, July-Dec. 1780; his widow was pensioned.
Fred George Tilton.
Private, Capt. Moses Nowell’s Company; served on seacoast defence at Newburyport, July-Nov., 1775.
Winthrop Atkinson Hilton.
Lieutenant, Capt. Josiah Harris’ Company, Col. Gardner’s Regiment, June, 1775, at the battle of Bunker Hill; also Private, Capt. Jsoeph Hooker’s Company, Col. Woodbridge’s Regiment.
Lewis Francis Trow.
Drummer, Capt. Joseph Boynton’s Company, Col. Nathaniel Wade’s Regiment, July 6, 1778-Jan. 1, 1779, served at Rhode Island; also Capt. Edmund Munroe’s Company, Col. Timothy Bigelow’s (Fifteenth Massachusetts) Regiment, July 1, 1779-April 20, 1780; also Capt. Joshua Benson’s Light Infantry Company, Col. Rufus Putnam’s (Fifth Massachusetts) Regiment, July 8, 1780-Jan. 9, 1781; children pensioned.
Edward Allyn Trowbridge.
Private, Capt. Caleb Clark’s (First) Company, Eleventh Regiment, Connecticut militia; marched to Westchester, New York.
Elmer G. Tucker.
Private, Capt. Joseph Soper’s Company, which marched to Marshfield, April 20, 1775; also served, May-Aug., 1775, and in Col. Whitney’s Regiment, Nov., 1775; also Capt. Nathaniel Winslow’s Company, Feb., 1776; also Corporal, Capt. Ichabod Bonney’s Company; discharged Dec. 11, 1778.
Howard Kendall Sanderson.
Private, Capt. Henry Leland’s Company, Col. Bullard’s Regiment, which marched at the Lexington alarm; also Capt. Staples Chamberlin’s Company, Col. Wheelock’s Regiment; served at Skeensboro and Ticonderoga, 1776.
Julian Phelps Twitchell.
Private, Capt. Moses Willmarth’s Company, Col. John Daggett’s Regiment, which marched at the Lexington alarm; served six days; also his name appears on an order on the Treasurer of Attleboro for wages for service on the alarm caused by the battle of Bunker Hill.
Lyman Carpenter.
Private, Captains Bancker’s and Oothout’s Companies, Col. Wemple’s (Second) Regiment, Albany County militia; also Capt. Wilson’s Company, Major Fonda’s (Second) Regiment, Albany County (land bounty rights) militia.
George Edmund Van Guysling.
Corporal, Capt. John Parker’s Lexington minute-men at the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; also at Cambridge, May 6-10, 1775; and at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775.
Harrison Coburn Hall.
Private, Capt. Stockbridge’s Company, Col. Thomas’ Regiment, at the siege of Boston, May-Oct., 1775; also Capt. Stetson’s Company, Col. Anthony Thomas’ Regiment; served after taking Dorchester Heights, March 24-29, 1776; also Capt. Nelson’s Company, Col. Willard’s Regiment, at Ticonderoga, May-Oct., 1776; enlisted as Carptenter’s Mate on ship “Winthrop,” fourteen guns, Capt. Little, April, 1782; pensioned.
Lewis Arthur Frohock.
Captain in the French and Indian War, 1759; one of the Selectmen of Hampstead, 1771-1774 and 1776; Committee of Inspection and Safety, 1777; committee to provide for families of soldiers in the army, 1778; two of his sons, Thomas and John, served in 1775, and were at the battle of Bunker Hill.
Luther Atwood.
Private, minute-man, in the Monmouth County, New Jersey, miltia; died of smallpox at Colt’s Neck, New Jersey, March 12, 1782.
[trans note: It’s not spelled WainwRight, the R is missing].
Edward Harvey Sampson.
Private, Lieut.-Col. Henry Dearborn’s Company, Col. Scammell’s Regiment; served three years in the Continental Army, March 12, 1777-March 12, 1780; his widow received a pension.
Henry Spalding Perham.
He appears as Sergeant in the State publication of the Governor and Council of Vermont; also in the Archives of the State of New York, among the Vermont papers on a pay roll for the year 1780.
Percy Edgar Walbridge.
Private, Col. James Reed’s Regiment; wounded in the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Capt. Prentice’s Company, Col. Bellows’ (Sixteenth) Regiment, March 15, 1776; re-enforced the army at Ticongeroga, and served twenty-five days in Oct., 1776; Lieutenant, Capt. Webber’s Company, Col. Hobart’s Regiment, which joined the Northern Continental Army, July-Sept., 1777.
Lewis Edgar Barnes.
Private, Capt. Benjamin Emery’s Company, Col. Baldwin’s Regiment; service Aug.-Nov., 1776; also Captains Bowman’s and Monson’s Companies, April 1777-Jan., 1778; also Capt. Ebenezer Webster’s Company, Colonels Langdon’s and Peabody’s Regiments, July-Aug., 1778; his widow was pensioned.
Harry Bradley Walker.
Captain, Ninth Company, Second Bristol County Regiment of militia, April 26, 1776; served in Rhode Island at the alarm of Dec., 1776, and also in August, 1780; company detached and marched to Dorchester Heights, Oct., 1778.
George William Austin.
Private, Capt. Whipple’s Company, Col. Abijah Stearns’ Regiment; served guarding Convention troops, March 30-July 3, 1778; also Capt. Daniel Gilbert’s Company, Col. Josiah Whitney’s Regiment, Aug. 2-Sept. 18, 1778.
Henry Kirke Wight.
Private, Capt. Elijah Walker’s Company, Colonels Hathaway’s and Pope’s Regiments; served on Rhode Island alarms, Dec. 8, 1776, and August 2, 1780.
Fernando Arthur Walker.
Private, Capt. Libby’s Company, Col. Foster’s Regiment; served at Machias, Sept., 1777; also Col. Benjamin Tupper’s Regiment, Sept.-Dec., 1781; enlisted into the Continental Army, Capt. Turner’s Company, Col. Bradford’s Regiment; transferred to Capt. Hebley’s Company, Col. Rufus Putnam’s Regiment, April, 1782-June, 1784; pensioned.
Charles Rebuen Walton.
Private, Capt. Joseph Parker’s Company, Col. Enoch Hale’s Regiment; joined the Northern Army at Ticonderoga, July, 1776; enlisted into the Continental Army; served July-Nov., 1776.
Charles Reuben Walton.
Private, Capt. Phineas Parker’s Company, Col. Baldwin’s Regiment of artificers, Continental Army, July-Dec., 1780.
Albert Longley Ward.
Served as a non-commissioned officer of a Massachusetts Regiment, Jan., 1777, to Jan. 1782; Ensign, First Mass. Regiment, Jan. 18, 1782 to Nov., 1783; Lieutenant in a corps commanded by General Lafayette, who presented him with a sword for conspicuous bravery at the siege of Yorktown; a member of the Society of the Cincinnati and a pensioner.
Edward Sherman Crockett.
High Sheriff, 1757-1775; proposed and institued the Committees of Correspondence in 1773; a recognized patriot and a leader in the Revolution; succeeded Joseph Warren as President of the Provincial Congress; Paymaster-General, Continental Army, July 27, 1775-April 19, 1776; also a member of the Navy Board.
Winslow Warren.
Private, Lieut. Wood’s Company, which marched to Bristol, Rhode Island, on the alarm, Dec. 9, 1776; also Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin’s Company, Col. Cotton’s Regiment; served on a secret expedition against Newport, Rhode Island, Sept. 25-Oct. 31, 1777.
George Huse Waterman.
Frank Sturtevant Waterman.
Lieutenant-Colonel of Hobart’s Regiment of militia; marched to re-enforce the Continental Army at Saratoga; served Sept. 25-Oct. 28, 1777; also commanded a Company which marached on a Ticonderoga alarm, July, 1777; also of Col. Bedel’s Regiment for defence of the Connecticut River frontier, June 1778-April, 1779; also Muster Master, his commission in possession of his family.
Francis Vaughn Bulfinch.
Private, Capt. Abraham Pierce’s (Waltham) Company, which marched to Concord and Lexington, and served during the day of April 19, 1775, and did guard duty for four days after the fight; also Capt. Daniel Whiting’s Comany, Col. Asa Whitcomb’s Regiment, which served at Ticonderoga, as per muster roll, Nov. 27, 1776; also Musician, Capt. Alexander’s Company, Col. Wigglesworth’s Regiment, Continental Army; mustered March 30, 1777; enlisted for the war; was at Valley Forge and in camp near White Plains, May and June, 1778.
Charles Wellington Furlong.
Private, Capt. S. Barnard’s Company, Col. T. Gardner’s Regiment, which marched at the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775.
Francis Hayden.
Captain, Col. Elliot’s Regiment of Rhode Island State artillery, 1776.
Thomas Dorr Gatchell.
Private, Capt. George Kimball’s Company, which marched on the Lexington alarm; also Capt. Nutting’s Company, Col. William Prescott’s Regiment, which was at the battle of Bunker Hill; also same Company and Regiment; served one year from July, 1776; was wounded, disabled, and pensioned in April, 1818.
Robert Montraville Green.
Private, Capt. Smith’s Company, Col. Woodhull;s (First) Regiment, Orange County militia; also Sergeant, Col. Woodhull’s (Fourth) Regiment, Orange County militia.
Herbert Eliphalet Huie.
Private, Second Regiment, New York Continental Line; signer of the “Revolutonary Pledge.”
Herbert Eliphalet Huie.
Private, Capt. Philip Hubbard’s Company, Col. Scammon’s Regiment, at the siege of Boston, May-Aug., 1775; receipted for bounty coat at Cambridge, Oct. 27, 1775; also Capt. Samuel Darby’s Company, Col. John Bailey’s battalion, Continental Army; service, 1777 to Dec. 31, 1779; at Valley Forge Jan., 1778; also in a detachment from York County Regiment, which served on an expedition to Penobscot, July-Sept., 1779.
William L. Chadbourn.
Colonel, Seventh Worcester County Regiment of militia, which marched to Cambridge at the Lexington alarm; one of General Ward’s council of officers held after the alarm.
James Bogman Sweet.
Colonel, in the first Crown Point expedition, and served in 1756, 1758 and 1760; Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May to Dec., 1775; appointed Brigadier-General, Continental Army, June 5, 1776, which he declined.
Lyman Warren Brooks.
Drummer, Capt. Joseph Trufant’s (independent) Company; enlisted May 9, 1775, for eight months; receipted for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, Dec. 30, 1775; also Private, same Comoany; served at Weymouth, Feb.-April, 1776; also Drummer, Capt. Winthrop Gray’s Company, Col. Crafts’ (artillery) Regiment; served in Rhode Island under General Sullivan; receipted for bounty, July 16, 1778.
David Vining Poole.
Private, Capt. Job Cushing’s Company of minute-men, Col. Artemas Ward’s Regiment, which marched at the Lexington alarm to Cambridge; served thirty days.
Edward Marcy Hill.
Henry Horace Hill.
Member of the Committee of Correspondence and Safety for the town of Warwick.
Richard Whitney.
Robert Bates Whitney.
Ralph Holyoke Whitney.
First Lieutenant, First Company, First Suffolk County Regiment, commanded by Col. McIntosh, May 10, 1779; also Capt. Moses Bullard’s Company, Col. Thayer’s Regiment; served in Rhode Island, July-Oct., 1780.
Richard Whitney.
Ralph Holyoke Whitney.
Robert Bates Whitney.
A recognized patriot; member of committees during the Revolution; on the retreat of the British from Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, he withstood the assault of several British soldiers, at Menotomy (now Arlington), killing two of them; he was terribly wounded and bayonetted, but, although nearly eighty years old, he survived eighteen years afterward.
Edgar Augustus Whittemore.
Harris Stewart Whittemore.
Private, Capt. John Hinman’s Company, Thirteenth Regiment of militia; served at New York, Aug.-Sept., 1776; also Capt. Moresey’s Company at Horse Neck, Rye, and Saw Pits, Oct.-Dec., 1776; also Engisn, Tenth Company, Thirteenth Regiment of militia, March 21, 1777; also Private, Capt. William Moulton’s Company, General Waterbury’s brigade, 1781; Selectman of New Preston, active in recruiting men for the service and forwarding supplies to the army.
William Augustus Whittlesey.
Private, Capt. French’s Company; enlisted April, 1775; served six weeks; also Captains Gilmore’s, Rand’s and Hooper’s Companies; served three enlistments, June-Nov. 1777; his widow was pensioned.
Harry Webster Davis.
Private, Capt. James Webb’s Company, Col. Sherburn’s additional Continental Regiment; enlisted March 5, 1777; served three years.
Orlando W. Charles.
Private, Capt. Amasa Cranston’s Company, Col. Eleazer Brooks’ Regiment, which marched to New York, and was in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776.
William Hartwell Brigham.
Private, Capt. Prince’s Company, Col. Mansfield’s Regiment; receipted for bounty coat, Oct. 6, 1775; enlisted in the Continental Army, Capt. Lovejoy’s (Andover) Company, April 7, 1777, for three years; also in Col. Putnam’s (Fifth) Continental Regiment.
Samuel Herbert Wilkins.
Private, Captains Jones’ and Reinhart’s Companies, Col. Taylor’s Regiment, New Jersey militia, March, 1776-Sept. 1777; also Capt. Reed’s Company in 1778; Capt. Berry’s Company in 1779; Capt. Crawford’s Company in 1780; Captains Carhart’s and Smock’s Companies in 1781; pensioned.
Rudolph Sherman Bauer.
Colonel in the French and Indian War; at the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775, he was, with Warren, Heath and Greaton, actively engaged in rallying companies to pursue the British retreating from Concord.
Samuel May Boardman.
Private, Capt. Sayer’s Company, Col. Scammon’s Regiment; enlisted July 5, 1775; served at the siege of Boston.
William G. Williams.
Private, Capt. Wilmot’s Company, First Connecticut Regiment, May-Nov., 1775; also Col. John Douglas’ Regiment of militia, May-Dec. 1776; also Bombadier, Capt. Jonathan Brown’s Company, Second Continental Artillery Regiment, Col. John Lamb, 1777-1780; was in the battle of White Plains; pensioned.
Winfred Lewis Howe.
Private, Capt. Heald’s Company, which marched at the alarm of the battle of Lexington, April 23, 1775; enlisted in Capt. Ezra Town’s Company, Col. Reed’s Regiment, for eight months, and was at the battle of Bunker Hill; Corporal, Aug. 1, 1775; received $4 from the Colony of New Hampshire for a regimental coat; Private, Capt. Abijah Smith’s Company, which re-enforced the Continental Army in New York, Sept. 21, 1776.
Walter Wheeler Rowse.
Major, Second New Hampshire Regiment, Aug. 24, 1775; Colonel, First Regiment, Nov. 2, 1775; at Seavy’s Island, in command of the defences on the Piscataqua; Colonel, Second Regiment; marched to Ticonderoga; stationed at Mount Independence, summer of 1776; joined General Sullivan on Rhode Island, summer of 1778; Selectman of Dover, 1775 and 1779; Representative from Dover to the second constitutional convention of New Hampshire in 1781.
Frederic Gilbert Bauer.
Private, Capt. Parker’s Company at the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; also went to the Jerseys in 1776 in Capt. Bridge’s Company; also in Capt. Reuben Munroe’s Company, Col. Elisha Porter’s Regiment, Sept.-Oct., 1777.
George B. Robbins.
Private, Lieut. Hopstill Hall’s Company, which marched at the Lexington alarm; served nine days; also Capt. Eayr’s Company of artificers, Col. Knox’s Regiment, Continental Army, 1776-1777; Company took siege guns from Cambridge to Fort Washington, New York; also Private, Capt. John Armstrong’s Company, Col. Gill’s Regiment; served on an expedition to Rhode Island, twenty-seven days, in 1781.
Augustus Henry Withington.
Private, Lieut. Hopestill Hall’s Company, which marched at the Lexington alarm; served twelve days.
Augustus Henry Withington.
Private, Capt. Paige’s Company, Major Rand’s Regiment; also Capt. Smith’s Company, Col. Pomeroy’s Regiment; five months, ten days services in 1776; also Capt. Woodbridge’s Company, Col. Thayer’s Regiment; six months services in 1779; also Capt. Atlvord’s Company, Col. Murray’s Regiment, raised to re-enforce the Continental Army for three months, July-Oct., 1780; pensioned.
Edmund D. DeWitt.
Hollis B. DeWitt.
Major of Col. William Prescott’s Regiment, May-Dec., 1775; Major, Seventh Continental Infanty, Jan.-Dec., 1776; Volunteer in Col. Jonathan Reed’s Regiment, 1777; Lieut.-Col. of Col. Nathaniel Wade’s Regiment, 1778-1779; member of Massachusetts Convention, 1779; Colonel by brevet, 1783.
Henry Ernest Woods.
Private, Capt. Isaac Davis’ Company of militia, which were at the Old North Bridge, Concord, April 19, 1775, and opened fire on the British soldiers; also Private, Capt. Israel Heald’s Company, Col. Eleazer Brooks’ Regiment, which marched to Roxbury, March 4, 1776; also Lieutenant, Capt. Jonathan Rice’s Company, Col. Samuel Bullard’s Regiment, which served at the taking of General Burgoyne, Aug.-Nov. 1777.
Henry Frank Woods.
Edward Frankin Woods.
Private, Capt. Nathaniel Snow’s Company, Col. George Williams’ Regiment; marched June 22, 1778, and served under Col Wade in Sullivan’s Rhode Island expedition; also Capt. Seth Smith’s Company, Col. Isaac Dean’s Regiment; served in Rhode Island, Aug. 1-7, 1780.
Frank Clifford Walker.
Corporal, Capt. John Willoughby’s Company, Col. Chase’s Regiment, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Whipple, which Company marched from Plymouth and adjacent towns to re-enforce the Northern Army under General Gates; served Sept. 25-Oct. 28, 1777.
Harry Bradley Walker.
Private, Capt. James Humphrey’s Company, Second Ulster County Regiment, New York militia, Oct., 1778; served on an alarm from Penpack, New York; in Col. Newkirk’s Regiment, at Fort West Point and the forest of Dean, June, 1779; at West Point in Major Moses Phillips’ Regiment, June, 1780.
James Strong Judd.
Ensign, Capt. Lewis’ Company, Lieut.-Col. Heald’s detachment, which marched to re-enforce the garrison at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 3, 1777; also Lieutenant, Capt. John Mellen’s Company, same service, July 3-11, 1777; one of the Committee of Safety, 1776; Moderator of a town meeting Feb. 6, 1778, to ratify “Articles of Confederation.”
William Case Dort.
Private, Capt. Edward Elliott’s Company, Col. Hobart’s Regiment and General Stark’s Brigade; marched to Charlestown, No. 4, July, 1777, and served two months; Selectman of Compton, 1779.
Charles Thomas Upton.
Captain of a Company of artillery, which marched to Cambridge at the Lexington alarm and served thirty days; Private, Capt. Maynard’s Company of minute-men, which marched on the Bennington alarm, Aug. 21-23, 1777; also on the Saratoga alarm, Sept. 29-Oct. 18, 1777.
Edward Marcy Hill.
Henry Horace Hill.
Private, Capt. Heath’s Company, Col. McIntosh’s Regiment; served in the Continental Army, June-Dec. 1780.
Augustus Bacon.
The Commander-in-chief’s Guard, erroneously called by the Soldiers as “Washington’s Life Guard” and “Washington’s Body Guard,” was always attached to General Washington’s headquarters. It was formed at Cambridge, Mass., in March, 1776, and continued until the dissolution of the army in 1783.
Caleb Gibbs, Adjutant of Colonel John Glover’s Massachusetts Regiment, was Captain of the Guard, March 12, 1776 to January1, 1781; and George Lewis, of Virginia, was First Lieutenant, afterward Captain of the Cavalry of the Guard. Dr. Carlos E. Godfrey’s recently published history of the “Commander-in-Chief’s Guard” gives the records of about three -fourths of the officers an men of the Guard, in which are incorpoated their immediate family records.
Seventy-five of the Company were Massachusetts men, namely:
Amos Baker, John Barton, Asa Benjamin, Nathaniel Berry, John Blundin, Jonathan Bryant, John Bush, Timothy Carleton, Michael Casell, Olvier Chapin, Nathaniel Chapman, Benjamin Church, John Coffin, Lemuel Coffin, William Condel, Ebenezer Crosby, Joel Crosby, Aaron Crumbie, Isaac Howe Davenport, Joseph Delano, Antipas Dodge, John Druce, William Dunn, Levi Dunton, Daniel Dyer, Ephraim Eddy, David Emery, Laban Fairbanks, Elijah Fisher, Carswell Gardner, Charles Gavet, Caleb Gibbs, William Gilbert, William Green, Silvanus Hall, Thomas Harmon, Thomas Harris, William Harris, John Herrick, Daniel Hersey, Levi Holden, Bezaleel Howe, John Hurring, Ephraim Jones, Joseph Jones, Isaac Kidder, Charles King, Simeon Lothrop, John Lovejoy, Seth Lovell, Ephraim Lucas, Zenas Macomber, Isaac Manning, Peter Martin, Hezekiah Moor, John Paddington, John Phillips, Thomas Prentiss, Samuel Raymond, Samuel Reid, Samuel Reynolds, Zebulon Richmond, Elnathan Sanderson, John Shorey, Jesse Smith, Seth Sturtevant, Michael Titcomb, Zebulon Titcomb, William Trask, Joseph Vinal, Moses Walton, Daniel Warner, Samuel Whitmarsh, Francis Wood, William Wyman.
Transferred to the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard at Valley Forge, March 19, 1778, and promoted Fifth Sergeant; at battle of Monmouth; promoted Fourth Sergeant, August, 1778; Third Sergeant December 11, 1778; Second Sergeant, August 5, 1779, to January 4, 1780.
Walstein R. Chester.
WILLIAM WYMAN, Lunenburg — 1752 – 1809
Col. Bigelow’s (Fifteenth) Regiment; transferred, Valley Forge, March 19, 1778, to Commander-in-Chief’s Guard; at battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778; discharged at Morristown, April 1, 1780.
Charles F. Wyman.