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SAR Memorial Service at Congress 2016

SAR Memorial Service SAR Magazine, Vol. 111 No. 1 July 10th, 2016 Above: Garrett Lear, First Vice President and Chaplin of the Massachusetts Society. The 126th Annual Congress Memorial Service was held Sunday, July 10, at the Old South Church…

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Congress Is Coming!

Congress Is Coming! Saturday, July 9, through Wednesday, July 13 SAR Magazine Spring 2016 The upcoming Annual Congress is only weeks away, so you should be preparing to come to Boston and enjoy some New England hospitality and warmth. Here…

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Cemetery Preservation 101

Workshop on "Cemetery Preservation 101" at Leadership Meetings SAR Education Outreach Updated 13 March 2016 During the 2015 SAR Fall Leadership Meeting, the SAR Outreach Education offered its first workshop in "Cemetery Preservation 101", which was open to both members…

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Greenville Welcomes the SAR to South Carolina’s Upstate

The 124th Congress, hosted by the South Carolina Society July 18-24, drew 555 compatriots and guests to Greenville, making it one of the largest on record. Greenville, in the southern foothills of the Smoky Mountains, is best known as the North American headquarters of BMW and for having an amazing downtown park system. The park is built around the rolling falls of the Reedy River, with the curved, cantilevered, one-of-a-kind Liberty
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National Archives Hosts Virtual Genealogy Fair October 28-30

The National Archives will host a live, three-day, virtual Genealogy Fair via webcast on YouTube. The free program offers family history research tools for all skill levels on Federal records including census, American Indian, military, naturalization, and immigration. Other topics include overviews of online genealogy resources and guidance on preserving personal records. For complete schedule and participation instructions, visit the Virtual Genealogy Fair website. Speakers include experts from National Archives’ facilities nationwide, as well as U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services

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Join Our Yorktown 2014 Celelebration October 18th

The 233rd anniversary of America's decisive Revolutionary War victory at Yorktown will be marked with a variety of engaging programs and tours on Saturday October 18th — Yorktown Day — in historic Plimoth Plantation, 137 Warren Avenue, in Plymouth from 9:00am to 2:30pm. Yorktown Day marks the anniversary of the American-French victory in 1781. In 1781, following a nine-day bombardment, British forces in Yorktown under General Charles Cornwallis requested a cease-fire and then surrendered more than 8,000 soldiers and sailors to the combined American and French armies commanded
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Grave Marking in Sandwich Old Town Cemetery

The Cape Cod Chapter Sons of the American Revolution conducted a Grave Marking Ceremony September 13th at 10am in the Sandwich Old Town Burying Ground for Dr. Nathaniel Freeman. Dr. Freeman, great, great, great grandson of Sandwich founder, Edmund Freeman, was the leader of the Sandwich patriots, leading
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Return to Revolutionary War Country: Congress 2014

Return to Revolutionary War Country Staff Writer SAR Magazine Spring 2014 The 124th Congress in Greenville, S.C., promises to be fun, exciting, educational and historical. From tours of Revolutionary War battlegrounds to important business matters, this Congress will hold interest…

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The 2014 SAR Annual Conference on the American Revolution

During a period of significant disruptions in daily life and changed expectations of what a woman’s place in a marriage, the household, and the community “ought” to be, women assumed multiple roles. They displayed patriotism by supporting boycotts of British goods and encouraging manufacturing at home; they raised funds to feed and clothe the troops; they supported the family by managing the farm or family business while a husband fought. Some followed the armies in supporting roles; and some were soldiers.
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A Historical Day in Grafton

On May 10, 2014, MASSAR's Continental Color Guard participated in Grafton History Day at the invitation of the Grafton Historical Society. Each year they choose a different period in our history. This year was the American Revolution. We were well represented by several Guardsmen: Jack Cunningham (Commander), Steve Perkins (State Secretary & First VP), Wesley H. Wratchford (President – Col. Wm Henshaw Chapter). Allan Van Wert (MASSAR & Col. Wm Henshaw Chapter Safety Officer), Charles Kingsbury (Color Guard Treasurer) and Verne Thayer (Past President – Col. Wm Henshaw Chapter).
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Massachusetts Society, Post Office Box 890235, Weymouth, MA 02189-0004, (508) 229-1776
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