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Proclamation for Memorial Day

Proclamation for Memorial Day

By Stephen A. Leishman
President General (2012-2013)
May 27, 2013

Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day began as a way to honor those lost while fighting in the Civil War. As that terrible war continued, Americans on both sides began to honor the fallen soldier during the springtime by holding tributes and decorating the grave sites with flowers and prayers. As the tradition grew, the official date set for Decoration Day became May 30th.

As the United States entered the Twentieth Century and also entered The War to End All Wars or World War I as it became known, Decoration Day took on new meaning. It no longer was a day of remembrance for those who had fallen during the Civil War. It became a day to remember all service men and women who have served United States and in some cases gave all for our freedom. The day became known as Memorial Day to honor all United State’s military personnel who died in all of our wars.

Those we honor today are to be held in high esteem for their service to the United States. They are to be honored for their defense of the freedoms our forefathers set forth for us in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They, who were and are willing to step in to harm’s way defending our rights and the rights of all people to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness should always be held up as examples and honored. Their willingness to serve is the spirit of those who during the Revolutionary War fought a imposing enemy to give us those rights and freedoms.

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was created to perpetuate the memory of those Revolutionary War Patriots who struggled to create this great nation.

The National Society stands with those who recognize, who remember, and who honor all United States service men and women who have served or are currently serving and who are willing to give all or have given all so that others may enjoy freedoms we have today.

May God bless them and keep them in His loving arms!

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